About Us

Thanks for visiting our site - we're so glad you came to check us out.


    Our sole purpose behind Aster + Luna is to provide an alternative option that helps lower the impacts fast fashion.

    We know this environment talk isn't everyone's 'cup of tea,' however, it's something we are extremely passionate about and you might see bits + pieces of it sprinkled throughout our site and social media pages.  We've chosen to embrace a minimal waste, minimalist-ish, eco-conscious lifestyle.  While we are obviously FAR from perfect or being waste-free, how we live on a daily basis has such a great impact on our environment.  This is why we also feel it necessary to share our values with you, our supporters, here.  These values are entwined with our business and, as such, you'll mostly find your orders packed in recycled/reused packaging, without additional branding or unnecessary packaging (other than a small note that can be added to your recycling bin!)  

    While we realize this isn't everyone's reason for shopping secondhand, you also get the perks of spending less, while selecting a curated wardrobe with unique pieces that suit your style. 

    Thank you for selling to us, shopping with us, and keeping these pre-loved goods out of the landfill.  You support means the world to our family. 

    Aster + Luna is solely operated online in Red Deer, Alberta.  We ship across Canada & the US.